Trigger Point Injections in Keokuk IA

Utilizing Natural Medicine for Relief in Keokuk IA
Sarapin, an aqueous solution derived from the pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea), is effective in pain management and has been used successfully for over 70 years as a biological medicine. Sarapin is an FDA-approved prescription product that we use at our clinic in Keokuk IA, and it is believed that its effectiveness arises from its ability to initiate the body's own natural healing properties.
In an earlier study, Sarapin was found to have an effect upon sensory nerves. This has no effect upon the motor nerves, and relieves neuralgic pain without changing skin sensation. Toxicity tests revealed that it is harmless (no evidence of tissue coagulation or sclerosis was found).
Uses of Sarapin
Sarapin has been used extensively for the relief of muscular & nerve pain. Treatments can help with many types of muscle or nerve conditions, including:
- Sciatic Pain
- Hip Pain
- Low Back Pain
- Mid Back Pain
- Upper Back Pain
- Pain Between the Ribs
- Neck Pain
- Pain down the Arms
Effects of Sarapin
Sarapin's selective action on the C fibers and its lack of effect on motor nerves make it superior for treatments of neuralgic pain. Anesthetics such as procaine act merely by anesthetizing the entire nerve and surrounding tissue. With Sarapin use there is also no tissue destruction as there is when alcohol is used.
Sarapin is just as effective as steroid use for pain management in chronic, persistent lower back pain, and also has more advantages. Sarapin has minimal adverse effects, it does not accumulate in any organ such as the liver, and your body excretes it without your liver processing it.
Sarapin vs. Cortisone
Sarapin and Cortisone are both used to reduce inflammation and provide pain management. They are also both recognized by the FDA and AMA, and both require prescriptions for treatments requiring injections.
However, Sarapin is a biological medicine, meaning it is acquired from a naturally occurring organism. Cortisone is a chemical medicine, created by a chemical process, which can be toxic. Sarapin is non-toxic and does not accumulate in the organs. The side effects of Cortisone may include thinning of the skin, bruising easily, weight gain, puffiness of the face, increase in blood pressure, cataract formation, osteoporosis, and avascular necrosis (which is rare but can cause serious damage).
Sarapin, on the other hand, has no known side effects. It has no damaging or weakening effect on cartilages, bones, or tendons. This makes it possible to administer Sarapin treatments multiple times within a short period for maximum pain management.
It has been stated that Sarapin produced prolonged relief in contrast to negative results with other solutions (novocaine, saline and water). Patients in Keokuk IA with neuralgic pain obtained prolonged pain relief by a subsequent injection of Sarapin compared to novacaine.
In an animal study, Sarapin was explained by experiments performed on the action potentials of the saphenous nerve of a cat. The results showed that the C-fiber potential was completely eliminated after immersion in the pitcher plant extract solution for roughly five minutes.
8:30am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 11:00am
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
James Healthcare & Associates Inc.
612 Main St
Keokuk, IA 52632